Custom art that comes to life.

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Before buying a service or a product it is quite essential to know about it as much as possible and in the process a lots of doubts arise but don’t worry as below is a list of the questions that our customers put for us generally and we clear their doubts to the slightest detail possible.

What is Custom Paint ?

As the name suggests, Custom paint is customizing of a vehicle/accessory with several combinations of paints and colors to get the desired effect. For this, Devils Custom use “Devils Blood”, a whole array of numerous shades developed through a secret process.

What is Vehicle customization ?

We are sure you’ve seen customized vehicles either in person or on internet media. The process behind those finished products is what Devils Custom do. Be it vehicle parts modification, paint or designing DC is expert in delivering all sorts of customization.

What is the best way to get started with customization ?

The easiest way to get started with customization is to contact our executive, who’ll then appoint you for a meeting with one of our artists. You can take a plethora of ideas from the artist or even describe what’s on your mind.

What kind of support is available ?

Devils Custom support team is available to get you through the process. You are allotted with an appointment wherein you can discuss your ideas for your exclusive customization and our team will get right to it. You’ll be shown numerous designs if you aren’t sure about your vehicle’s appearance. Moreover, we’ll keep you updated throughout the process at every stage so that there is no room for confusion.

What Kind of vehicles or accessories can Devils custom customize ?

Our skilled engineers and artists can customize almost all vehicles available in the market to your prescribed needs. Also, gears and accessories like jackets, gloves, and helmets can also be customized.

How much a customization costs ?

The cost of customizing any vehicle or accessory solely depends on the type of customization required. After you have finalized your design our executive will assess the total amount.

Is there any training available ?

Yes, there is. Currently, we offer five different types of training which take you through a theoretical and practical journey under the shade of wise and trained instructors. All workshops span 1-3 days with a minimum of 6-hour session. The training include

  • Airbrush workshop
  • Spray-gun handling & techniques
  • Automotive graphics and plotter
  • Candy master
  • Lumilor

How much a training costs ?

All workshop requires a nominal fee of INR 1000 which is to be paid in advance. LumiLor training has its own separate cost module.

What is LumiLor ?

LumiLor is a Light Emitting Coating (LEC) system which allows anything coated with it to illuminate. Electroluminescence simply means that an object is capable of emitting light when an electrical current is applied.

What about other customization studios ?

Devils Custom is unique because of its several great features. It allows you to design your own vehicle and exactly your way. DC has an advantage over other studios because it shows you a 3-D model of your finished product even before it starts working on the project so that you are fully satisfied with the “go-ahead” approval. Not to mention the secret, Devils Blood unique colors are sure to hook your eyes for hours. 

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